Sleep Research & The Subconscious Mind
Sleep research is all about coming to terms with the darker side of the mind. The science of sleep helps us delve into the subconscious mind and return with insights into the basic needs of the human brain and body.
In this section, you can learn about the history and science of sleep, and how breakthrough theories from Sigmund Freud helped us to further our understanding of dreams and the subconscious mind.
Learn about the shocking effects of sleep deprivation – a state which lingers at the edge of consciousness, but for most people never quite takes hold. Later we will look at voluntary and forced sleep deprivation.
A History of Sleep
The science of sleep and dreaming goes back millennia as you will see in the history of sleep. See how the ancient Greeks and Egyptians interpreted dreams and created their own primitive theories of sleep. Learn about Circadian Rhythms and how it was another two centuries before Sigmund Freud emerged on the scene with his famous book on dream analysis: The Interpretation of Dreams. |
Why Do We Sleep?
To learn about modern sleep research, take a look at why do we sleep? This article explains the nature of the NREM and REM sleep cycles, with the brainwave changes that occur in the subconscious mind. It is all about the science of sleep and the human brain. |
Discover the role played by neurotransmitters in sleep rhythms and compare human sleep requirements with a host of other animals. This leads to a look at evolution and the four main theories of sleep.
Sleep Deprivation
The most famous sleep research often involves sleep deprivation. When humans go without sleep for more than 24 hours, strange things begin to happen… Their minds and bodies soon deteriorate. Learn about attempts to break the Guinness World Record for sleep deprivation, including Peter Tripp and Randy Gardner, and the planend stunt by David Blaine. |
Discover the mental and physical effects of sleep deprivation, including real life studies of people with Fatal Familial Insomnia, a tragic genetic disease which kills its victims from a complete lack of sleep. Understanding this condition has driven the science of sleep to new realms.
Why Do We Dream?
If the light has been shed on sleep research – then we are still poking around in the dark for a practical theory of why do we dream? There is plenty of dream research from the last few decades, but still there is no single accepted theory for this hallucinogenic state. Sigmund Freud had many ideas (including the theory of Id, Ego and Super-Ego) but Freud remains controversial to this day. |
Some scientists say that dreams are random impulses from the brain stem, while others insist there is logic and meaning to our dreams, arising from the subconscious mind. Find out why some researchers think dreaming may be a coping method to help us deal with potential real life traumas.
Dream Interpretation
What is the meaning of dreams? Dream interpretation is based on the theory that dreams offer hidden messages from the subconscious mind. They may be vital to uncovering lost memories and repressed thoughts – if you really want to dig them up, that is.
Sigmund Freud was the first to put dream interpretation on the map of sleep research. Many people still find his dream analysis useful today. Here you can learn about the language of the subconcious human brain, and how we can relate to it with dream symbols.
This article explains the true meaning behind dreams – with scientific dream interpretation.
Dreams are like letters from the unconscious brain. If only they were written in the same language that we use in waking reality!
Alas, they are disguised through conceptual thinking, which is how the subconscious mind works. But we can decode this information with dream analysis.
How to Begin your Dream Interpretation
To begin your dream analysis, start a dream journal, for three reasons:
1. Improve your Dream Recall – so that in time you can remember up to five dreams every night (one for each REM sleep cycle). A powerful technique for remembering dreams is to set your alarm clock to wake you after each REM cycle has finished: first after 3 hours, then every 90 minutes thereafter. This can be disruptive to your sleep, but it is worth trying one night – you will be bowled over by the number of dreams you can recall!
2. Identify Dream Symbols – a dream journal allows you to track recurring dream symbols and translate the underlying meaning behind dreams. For instance, you may repeatedly dream about falling, but this only becomes clear when you count the number of times it appears in your dream journal. That’s because your subconscious mind is trying to send you a message in conceptual form.
3. Increase Dream Meaning – writing and talking about your dreams places greater importance on them in your subconscious mind. The power of the subconscious is truly amazing, and if you give it a task (to remember more dreams) it will comply. Suddenly you will be able to boost your dream recall and have greater opportunities to translate the meaning behind dreams. You may also realize that your dreams become more meaningful for as you open up a new communication channel with the subconscious mind.
How to Translate Srubconscious Dreams
The essence of dream interpretation is not to take things literally. Dreaming about death does not mean you are going to die. Instead it may represent the end of an era or part of your life.
Dream analysis is symbolic – because that’s how the subconscious mind works.
The human brain thinks and learns in neural patterns. If you fall off your bike and cut your knee, you will associate your bike with pain. Your subconscious then creates a “rule” to avoid falling off a bike in future. This is a neural pathway; a link between neurons in your brain. It is learned through experience.
Neural pathways become more complex over the years. They apply to every kind of experience in life. Your subconscious mind uses these associations in dreams.
How to Interpret Dream Symbols
You have a unique understanding of the world around you. As you grew up, your subconscious learned about friendship, love, loneliness and betrayal. It made up rules about every human emotion and how you should feel about life. These “rules” are reflected in your dreams each night.
But equally, we have all grown up in the same culture, the same era, and we are all human. So it’s no coincidence that we all make the same conclusions about life, subconsciously. That’s where a dream dictionary comes in extremely useful.
Cloud Nine: A Dreamer’s Dictionary is the most complete and comprehensive dream dictionary for beginners. It provides thousands of dream symbols and definitions to translate your subconscious dream interpretation.
For anyone looking to find the meaning behind dreams, this dream dictionary is an excellent start. It also teaches you how to:
- keep a dream journal
- identify dream symbols
- encourage peaceful sleep
- remember more dreams
- gain insights from nightmares
- invoke healing dreams
Cloud Nine is written by a practicing psychologist in California and has received some rave reviews on Amazon. Highly recommended for understanding the true meaning behind dreams.
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